Emi's Color Shoot Scholarship
Submission deadline is July 31, 2024
This is the second year the ECFF has awarded scholarships, our Board of Directors made this decision as another way to help children and young adults in the community. We wanted to help those who have benefited from TSRHC or who have helped us help them pursue a degree in higher education. This year the deadline will be (TBD). Packets will need to be received or post marked by that date and recipients will be announced on August 21st at Emi’s Color Shoot. Please make note of the following requirements in order to ensure you have submitted a complete packet.
Qualified applicants must be: - A patient at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital and living in one of the top 26 counties of Texas - Be an immediate family member of an Emi’s Color Shoot donor/volunteer, or personally volunteered at least 2 years at Emi’s Color Shoot - The applicant must also be enrolled or attending college, technical school, or a degree sponsored program. |
Please make note of the following requirements in order to ensure you have submitted a complete packet.
1. Mail or email application before the deadline. Handwritten applications will not be accepted. 2. Send TWO letters of reference from a non-family member. 3. Personal Statement expressing your educational, personal, and career goals. Include any special talents or abilities that might help you in achieving these goals. Applications should be mailed or emailed to: Emi’s Colorful Future Foundation Attn: Scholarship Committee P.O. Box 50184 Amarillo, Texas 79159 [email protected] and [email protected] For any questions, please contact Cynthia Williams at the above email or 806.683.3234. |